The story of Rugarama, the twelve year old Ugandan martyr, tells of the wrongs that befell Uganda. In the words of Robert Ashe, his friend, we need these stories to 'burn themselves deep into our souls' if we are to take our place in truly transforming African today. This book is the first in a historical series showing the foundational role the church played in forming the nation we now call, Uganda. Open and honest, with study questions at the end of every chapter, it is an enlightening read for all, no matter your beliefs or background. Let us learn from the past as we continue to build for the future.
2023-07-02 02:00:29A story worth telling
While the details of the deaths of the martyrs portrayed in this book are horrific and hard to read, they are at the same time important for especially Christians to hear. These dear people made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of Jesus and their stories deserve to be told. This book has encouraged me to stand strong in Christ regardless of the circumstance.