Jesus Killed My Business: But Gave Me His
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“I want you to close your business and join your husband in ministry work.” God’s voice said. “But Lord, you gave me this business, and you, you Lord, have made me successful in it.” I countered. “Besides, the provision in it releases my husband to serve you wholly without worrying about his family,” I continued in my counter-argument. Oftentimes, when God gives man instructions to guide him through his life on earth, man counter-argues because we are in a constant battle for control. Join Dr. Muthoni on God's journey through life, business and ministry, as she navigates what it means to surrender to God and discover His pathway for your life. No matter how dark the path ahead looks, there is light and life awaiting you on the other side! Excerpt From Jesus Killed My Business Dr. Muthoni Omukhango This material may be protected by copyright.
